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POMS 2023 International Conference

11 mai 2023 Ecole
Vue 171 fois

Rennes School of Business hosts the 2023 POMS International Conference in Paris, between 18-20 July 2023, with the theme of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). The conference venue will be the luxurious Newcap Event Center, next to the river Seine while only 700 meters from the Eiffel Tower. The event is officially authorized, approved, and supported by the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) the world’s largest Operations Management (OM) body. The conference is chaired by Prof. Reza ZANJIRANI FARAHANI (endowed Chair of Supply Chain Management at RSB), and his co-chairs Prof. Constantin BLOME (Academic Dean/ Rektor, Lancaster University Leipzig, Germany), and Prof. Guillaume ROELS (Timken Chair in Global Technology and Innovation, INSEAD, France). 


Many people have already helped with organizing the event. In particular, we highly appreciate the efforts of Dr. Sohrab FARAMARZI OGHANI (Head of the organizing committee), Mr. Kirt WOOD (manager of RSB Paris Executive Campus), Laurie SAMSON (Event project manager, RSB), and Celine DUMONT (RSB event manager).


Nearly 450 authors have already registered to present their research. The keynote speakers are Prof. Sushil Gupta (Florida International University, USA) and Prof. Chris Tang (UCLA Anderson School of Management, USA). The conference includes panels on UNSDGs, grant writing/ practice-based research, and meet-the-editors. In particular, unprecedently, we have the agreement of the following OM, Management Science and Operations Research journals that are leading and world-class:


- European Journal of Operational Research (Prof. Ruud Teunter, The Netherlands)  

- International Journal of Operations & Production Management (Prof. Constantin Blome)        

- International Journal of Production Economics (Prof. Stefan Minner, Technical University Munich, Germany)

- International Journal of Production Research (Prof. Alexandre Dolgui, IMT Atlantique University) 

- Journal of Operations Management (Prof. Suzanne de Treville, University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

- Journal of Supply Chain Management (Prof. Andreas Wieland, Copenhagen Business School)

- Management Science (Prof. Volodymyr Babich, Georgetown University) 

- Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (Prof. Feryal Erhun, Cambridge Judge Business School)  

- Operations Research (to be confirmed) 

- Service Science (Prof. Guillaume Roel, INSEAD)


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