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Take part to the selection of future Rennes SB students

07 March 2022 School
Viewed 700 times

Rennes School of Business organises during spring time, at school, the oral admission exams for its different programmes. 

The School invites its graduates to take part in the selection process of its future students,  your future colleagues. Register to meet the admissibles:

  • From now for Bachelor in Management Programme (BAC + 3)
    • Admission exam from Wednesday 20th to Saturday 30th April 2022
  • From end of March for Programme Grande Ecole ( Master Bac+5)
    • Admission exam "Tremplin" : from Saturday 14th May to Wednesday 1st June 2022
    • Admission exam "Classes Préparatoires" : from Monday 20th June to Wednesday 6th July 2022

Registrations are managed by half-day:

  • Morning from 8h15 to 12h30
  • Afternoon from 13h15 to 17h30

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