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[Success Story] - Emilie Ehanno

12 September 2023 Portrait
Viewed 1063 times

Hello, my name is Emilie Ehanno, I'm 28 and I'm from Brittany 😊

I left my native country to come to Paris 5 years ago. My academic career is rather unique, especially for a woman. It all started with a vocational Bac TISEC (Technician in the installation of energy and climate systems) with the aim of becoming a plumber. As I particularly liked school and this world, I went on to do a BTS FEE (Fluids, energies, environments option: climatic engineering). Although I had the technical side, I wanted to be more entrepreneurial. I went on to do a sandwich course at a young business school in Rennes, where I did a Bac+4 in marketing and sales project management. After a sabbatical year in England, I challenged myself by wanting to complete my Masters with RENNES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS.

What I said, I did!

In 2017, I joined the MSc GBM (Global Business Management) Promotion P26 at RSB. I promise, I'm done with acronyms. I was able to do an exchange at school with the University of the West in Timisoara, Romania. I would never have gone to Romania in a million years if it hadn't been for this opportunity.

  • Can you tell us about your job?

I work in a field that still needs to be feminised: construction. For the last 3 years, I've been a travelling technical sales representative for Schmitt-Ney/Espace Aubade in Paris. My job is to develop my customer portfolio by building loyalty with existing customers and attracting new prospects. It's a real hands-on job and that's what I like about it. It's also a technical job, which fits in perfectly with my atypical background. What I particularly like is that what I do has meaning for me. My commitment to my work defines my results, and I can see on a daily basis that the work I put in is paying off. The bonus is that it's a job that offers real autonomy. 

  • What is your involvement in the RSB Alumni network? Can you tell us about your job?

I've been involved in RSB Alumni activities for a few years now. It was a friend and former classmate who told me about the afterworks and clubs that the school offered to Alumni.

Since 2021, I've been quite active in the network, thanks to the many online meetings or on the RSB Paris campus, which is very convenient for me. I've had the opportunity to take part in exchanges with men and women from atypical and inspiring backgrounds, both professionally and personally (politicians, entrepreneurs, managers, military personnel, academics, etc.).

There are also clubs that are more focused on personal development and careers, enabling you to develop your skills or look at your day-to-day life from a different perspective. In each case, it's also an opportunity to meet old classmates, or simply to develop your network.

  • Tell us a nice moment you had  within the network

When we talk about the Alumni network, lots of good times come to mind. But if I have to choose just one, I think of the Oenology Club and the green harvest we did near Versailles at the Domaine la Bouche du Roi. It was a unique experience in a small group that allowed me to discover a world I didn't know. After visiting the estate, we had a feast in the middle of the vines, accompanied by the estate's wines. 

  • What is your greatest achievement ?

I am particularly proud to have been able to achieve a Master's degree (equivalent to Bac+5) when, as a child, I was never outstanding in school. It's for this very reason that I enrolled in a vocational program right after completing 9th grade. It's a significant accomplishment to have completed my studies with a school ranked in the TOP 10 among French business schools. Moreover, the program was entirely taught in English.

  • What would you like the Alumni network to do foy you in the future ?

I'd like to continue to meet inspiring and creative people. What I'd like to see in the future for the network is more alumni taking part in events. There are so many different events in so many different places that there's bound to be one for you.

  • Do you have a hidden talent ?

I'm unbeatable at the word game "petit bac" (a French word game).

  • The final word ?

Whatever your age or background, it's important to always be looking to develop yourself: learning new things, meeting new people.

You only have one life, you have to make the most of it and give it your best shot every day.

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1 Comment

Emilie EHANNO (MSc GBM, 2018)
1 year ago
Merci pour ce portrait :)

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