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[Success story] - Antoine Cadoret

16 March 2023 Portrait
Viewed 581 times

My name is Antoine, I'm 39 years old, I'm a graduate of Cohort 14 of the Programme Grande École. I had the pleasure of working with the Warlock association during my studies and I went to Canada for 6 months for my semester abroad, where I was able to perfect my English.

After my studies, I found my first job as a video game product manager for a French publisher based near Lille. I stayed there for 10 years. Then my mid-life crisis hit and I made a big change in my professional and personal lives.

I started by joining an NGO that supports companies in the conduct of their CSR policy for 3 years, then I changed again: I left the North of France and my job to join an association that raises awareness of sustainable forestry and provides training to stakeholders in France and in Europe.

  • Can you introduce tell us a bit more about your job?

French forests are facing many challenges: biodiversity erosion, droughts, fires, storms and more. It is therefore necessary to take care of them while continuing the economic activities linked to the wood industry, which add additional pressure on the forests (development of wood energy and many other uses).

To avoid clear-cutting, the PRO SILVA association promotes Continuous Covered Forestry (CCF), forest management strategies which optimise the maintenance, conservation and utilisation of forest ecosystems in such a way that the ecological and socio-economic functions are sustainable and profitable. In short, this means continuing to exploit the forests but in a gentler way by encouraging natural regeneration, mixing tree species and ages, leaving the forest alone as much as possible by intervening in small steps.

The association is growing, with increasing public and political interest in forest management, so a director was needed to accompany the growth of the association, a position I now hold. 

  • What is your involvement in the Rennes SB Alumni network?

I used to participate in the events organised by the Lille club 😊. Otherwise, I am part of the RSB For Change club, but I admit I find it hard to get more involved because of my lack of time. However, the fight for the environment has now been a part of my daily life in both a personal and professional capacity for the last 4 years.

  • What are the values you uphold in your work?

Respect (for nature, for others, for their work), humility (even if I don't like to talk about this value because as soon as you claim it, it ceases to exist, ha ha!), patience (it's time to stop running around in all directions and to slow down), empathy (we must continue to look at this world in a benevolent and loving way, even if it's sometimes very difficult).

  • What is your greatest achievement?

Being able to change my life and career path. After 10 years in the video game industry, I am now the director of a forestry association, I think that's pretty good 😊

  • What advice would you give to a young graduate who would like to follow your career path?

You have to listen to yourself, stay patient and don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and open some doors. It doesn't cost anything.

Our desires change over time. You may well be fulfilled in your current job (or future job for young graduates) but there may come a time when a little voice inside you will say "you are no longer happy in your job, in your life". You should not be afraid and on the contrary welcome this little voice. It is a great strength!

You will start to look for your deepest desires, the values that drive you, to find out about a possible professional future (even if it sometimes seems completely crazy). Stay curious, find out more, and above all meet professionals in fields that interest you. The world is full of passionate and exciting people who are always happy to talk about their job and their career. I myself have done a lot of discovery interviews and that is what led me to my current position.

The moment will come when you will take action, because by exploring the possibilities, you will mature an idea and concretise a new professional future which will condition you for the moment when you say to yourself "this is it, I'm going for it".

At this stage, talk about it around you and surround yourself with the right people because you will need good people to support you in your approach. You don’t need to worry about the others.

This advice applies to young graduates because at the moment their priority is to find a job and earn money to pay back a loan (which is completely normal) even if they have fewer and fewer barriers to leaving jobs that are not aligned with their value, which is a very good thing.

But they also apply to people my age with a certain professional background because I know how scary it can be to leave a situation that seems comfortable and secure. At some point, it's not comfortable for your mental health and that's the most important thing.

  • Do you have a hidden talent?

I was a bass player in another life, but that's long gone now, ha ha!

  • Anything else to add?

The world is changing and not always in the right direction. Stay in line with your values and commit yourself in your daily life and work to direct this change towards more respect for people and nature. We need all the energy we can get!

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