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Mentor a Rennes School of Business student

23 December 2015 Network
Viewed 1862 times

Last year, many of you accepted to give some time to guide Programme Grande Ecole final-year students from Rennes School of Business in their « Professional Project Evaluation » (PPE).


This year, our goal is to assist more than 500 final-year students in the development of their professional project and job hunt strategy.


So, we propose you to « mentor » two, three or four future graduates interested in your function and/or business sector. Your mission will consist in evaluating the relevance of their professional introduction project  but also to share your experience and give them advices that will be very helpful to address the labour market.

This project reflects the will of ESC Rennes Alumni Association to develop relationships between Alumni and Rennes School of Business' students.


Terms to become a « mentor »:

  • Have at least 3 years of professional experience
  • Interviews can be realised face to face, on the phone or via Skype.

Schedule / Main steps:

  • End of February 2016 : students will choose their mentors
  • March - May 2016 : 2 assessment interviews
    1st interview : check professional project's coherence
    2nd interview : define a job hunt strategy
  • Before May, 31st 2016 : return of evaluation forms

Registration method:

  • We invite you to log in to your personal account on our website ( : click |%lien_direct_here%|. In the mentoring block, fill-in the fields.
  • We ask you to register online in January.


Thank you all for your contribution in the success of this plan!

Love it


Hariprasad DEVARAJ (MSc GBM, 2014)
8 years ago
Commendable effort!!!
Chelsea VASSIO MOLINA (MSc SMEI, 2015)
8 years ago
Where is the mentoring block?? Couldn´t find it

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