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[An international story] - Adrien PAUTY

14 March 2022 Portrait
Viewed 962 times

Hello, my name is Adrien, I am 30 years old, and I come from Nantes. Ever since I was a teenager, my personal, academic and professional careers have been particularly marked by the time I’ve spent abroad.

I joined the Programme Grande École (PGE) at Rennes School of Business in 2015, through ST2 admission, after having completed a Bachelor at Audencia Business School in Nantes and a V.I.E. contract in Switzerland. As part of the final phase of my studies, at Rennes SB, I had the opportunity to complete a double degree (PGE – MBA) with a Partner University in Texas, not far from Houston. It was one of my dreams and academic objectives to end my studies with an experience on an American campus. I remember a lot of things from this experience, such as learning the way to approach certain professional subjects and the notion of "service".

After the end of my studies, and my return to France, I moved to Paris to begin my first permanent job in the IT integration world from 2018 to 2021. I was a Business Development and Social Selling Manager which was a great first post-study experience and one that was full of challenges and responsibilities. Afterwards, I decided to move to Warsaw, Poland, for personal reasons, opening up a totally new page in my career.

  • Can you tell us a bit about your company, your job and your projects? 

I’ve been a Management Consultant for ACCENTURE, in Warsaw, Poland, since 2021. My mission is to accompany ACCENTURE's clients on complex management, project management or innovation assignments.

I am currently working for a Parisian client (a large bank) as a project manager, which means that I travel between Warsaw and Paris one week per month.

  • What is your greatest achievement? 

That’s a difficult question, because I think 'achievement' means different things to different people. What I am most proud of is the ability that I’ve had since I was a teenager to always find the strength to step out of my comfort zone and go abroad.

I'm happy to have discovered so many different countries. I think that it has affected the way I live my life day-to-day, it puts things into perspective and helps me to find solutions. It also makes me much more credible from a personal and professional point of view in exchanges with international, or national, profiles.

  • What values do you try to reflect in your work?

First of all, kindness, because I believe that it is possible to be both kind and demanding while working for a company, a client or a project. Secondly, I think that creativity and humility are important for both small and large tasks. I see that humility and creativity are two of Rennes SB’s core values and they are definitely the ones that represent me the most. Finally, simplification when possible and transparency when necessary.

  • What advice would you give to a young graduate who would like to pursue an international career?

First, don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone and shake up your daily routine. It may seem daunting to go abroad and discover an unknown country, but you’ll never look back and regret such a decision. Secondly, I would advise graduates to be humble and respectful towards the host country and its inhabitants. I think this is an essential way to have a rewarding and successful experience. 

  • Do you have a hidden talent?

I’m not sure about a talent, but I am a huge fan of Cinema and History: I can talk about them for hours!

  • Do you have anything else to add?

I have excellent memories of my studies at Rennes SB. From a personal point of view, my best encounters at the School were the friends I made in my cohort with whom I am still in contact! In short, I made some friends for life.

Today, young graduates are competing with the whole world. So, I think it is essential to try to personalise your career path and profile as much as possible. To do this, I would advise students and graduates to make their own path, to avoid comparing themselves to others and to seize the opportunities that come their way or to create them by themselves.

I am very active on LinkedIn and if my career path interests students or graduates who would like to know more, do not hesitate to contact me there! 

Find Adrien on LinkedIn : Adrien PAUTY | LinkedIn

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