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[Alumni Story] - Anthony Victor MEHL

07 June 2022 Portrait
Viewed 1084 times

I've always had what might be considered an "unusual background": a Scientific Baccalaureate with a minor in theatre, followed by a Khâgne with a specialisation in philosophy... so it was natural for me to want to join an "unusual" school. At the time it was called ESC Rennes and it offered an international course that gave you the chance you to study abroad for two semesters. This was the perfect opportunity for me. Thanks to this course, I was able to study in Hong Kong and then in New Delhi... leading me to stay in New Delhi for three years! 

Professionally, I had a taste for international work right away: it just took hold of me. After living in India, I moved to Johannesburg in South Africa for three years, from 2012 to 2015, before returning to France. I've always worked in sales or consulting, and always in complex sectors such as infrastructure with the Vossloh group, which gave me my first job in utilities and energy. Next, I moved on to the photovoltaic industry with Business France, starting with electromechanical contactors at Schaltbau and then with Altametris, a subsidiary of the SNCF Réseau group. 

After over 10 years of progressing in the world of commerce, in September 2021,  I decided to head back to school to do an Executive MBA, a programme which is very European and international at ESC...P… I’m not sure if I can name a competitor in this interview 😉 

  • Can you tell us a bit more about your job and your current projects?

Today I am incredibly lucky! I'm full of energy and I have a lot of projects going on! My MBA takes me to seminars in Brussels, London, Paris, and recently in Madrid. It’s time for me to reset, I'm taking some distance from my recent experiences and I'm asking myself: what do I really want to do? I already have several ideas: 

  • strategic analysis and coaching on growth functions, Business Dev and complex sales on globalised industrial players
  • an entrepreneurial project that I am working on, thanks to the many tools available to me, and the great team surrounding me… there’ll be more to come on that later.
  • and then, maybe one day, I tell myself I might take up a more traditional position towards the end of my MBA, in a company that reflects my personal values: excellence, singularity, creativity, plurality. 
  • How do you get involved in the Rennes SB Alumni network?

So, within the Alumni Association, I have been given a 2-year mandate, which I hope to renew this year! I am a member of the Committee and the Board. Within the Board, I am Vice President, which means that I follow the activity of all our Clubs (we have more than 50 clubs around the world, with different themes and that are run by over 80 volunteers). I myself am in charge of the Paris Club where I try to organise meetings, debates and casual drinks for networking, whenever I can find space in the calendar! I would like to take this opportunity to underline that the Alumni network is made up of many volunteers who commit their time and energy to helping make it work, but it’s also run by some permanent staff based in Rennes!

  • What are the benefits of having an Alumni network, in your opinion?

You spend an average of 3 years at school... but you spend a lifetime as part of the Alumni Network! Together, it allows us to continue to write the story that we started at school, through meetings, networking and all the tools that are available to us. The Alumni network is a great source of help and support! You should really come and participate in our events!

  • What are the values you carry in your work?

At work? I think I can be pretty tough... well, it seems that way anyway, because in reality, I'm a good guy! I try to be serious about the small things and light-hearted about the big things. It's all about balance! I like the idea that you can be efficient, credible and effective, all while being a nice person who colleagues want to spend time with!

  • What is your greatest achievement?

Professionally, my greatest achievement was signing a contract worth over a million euros when I was working in a start-up which was worth 20% of the annual turnover! At the time, not many people believed in the potential of this client, but with the agreement of my board and the support of a colleague who was an engineer, we made our client a good offer, worked with them at different levels, remained patient as the deal unfolded over the summer months, found the right arguments and… signed the deal in the autumn! I don’t think that this record has been beaten to date, so I am quite proud of it!

  • What advice would you give to a young graduate who would like to follow your career path?

Get around! Take that job that pays nothing but allows you to travel!

  • Do you have a hidden talent?

I don't know if I should tell you this, but... I know a bit about fortune-telling. And that's how I make my commercial offers...

  • Do you have anything else to add?

#giftgiving! I think we need to learn to give again. Giving your time, giving insight, sharing an article with someone, offering a helping hand. That's how we feed our network... so I  would like to take this opportunity to invite all the Alumni who are reading this interview to come to our events and give something! 

Find Anthony Victor on LinkedIn 

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