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[Work-study story] - The testimonies of Lauranne ARMANINI & Morgan MARTIN

13 October 2021 Portrait
Viewed 797 times

Discover the testimonials of Laurane ARMANINI, future graduate of Rennes School of Business (PGE 28) and Morgan MARTIN, Alumni of Rennes SB ((PGE 7) and sales and marketing director of Listen Too.


  • Can you introduce yourself?

"Lauranne Armanini, I am 24 years old since the June and I will soon graduate from a Master in Retail and Business Development from Rennes School of Business. It is a master that I did in work-study program and after a gap year. This gap year allowed me to follow a first internship at the advertising agency of the group Le Monde for 6 months. Then I flew to New York where I joined the tourism development agency French Atout France. "

"Morgan Martin, I am 46 years old, I am the sales and marketing director of Listen Too. I am an Alumni of RSB and Manager of the Sales Club which aims to bring together Alumni who are directly or indirectly involved in sales in Ile-de-France. I try to maintain a strong link with the school: supervision of work-study students, recruitments, interventions at school, etc.


  • How did you meet?

Lauranne: "Coming back to France, I quickly started looking for a work-study program. My three main research sites were LinkedinWelcome to the jungle and the jobteaser platform (which had a partnership with RSB). There were a lot of announcements but I very quickly oriented my choice towards companies on a human scale, with e real impact on my company's turnover, so I aimed at start-ups, SMEs / mid-cap companies, etc.

It was on jobteaser that I came across an advertisement for a "Business Manager" at Listen Too. This announcement was reserved for our school. Indeed its transmitter was an Alumni of Rennes School of Business. My interest grew as I read the sections; "a hundred employees", "awarded with the international label Great Place to Work", "creator of added value by the methodology".

So it didn't take long before I wrote an email to Sales and Marketing Director Morgan Martin. Following this Morgan contacted me face to face and we agreed to a physical meeting at the premises of Listen Too at the Paris headquarters. This interview lasted two hours and we took stock of my aspirations, my skills as well as the context and missions of Business Manager. I was very excited about the scope of activity and I quickly projected myself into the business of Business Manager. Finally Morgan made the decision to offer me a work-study year on the listeners team and of course I agreed to start this experience. "


Morgan: "I took up my duties in February 2020 at Listen Too with the mission of structuring and professionalizing the sales and marketing approach of the company. COVID arrived at that time and greatly complicated our task: the team went to 1/5th and from a distance, business deteriorated. This was added to a context of overhaul of the organization and processes which caused some movements in the team before the summer. I had to quickly compensate for these departures and I saw in the work-study program a useful way to achieve this at less cost while investing in the youth. Having privileged relations with the staff of RSB, I immediately contacted Olivier Digne who, despite the complicated period, did everything in his power to help me disseminate my offer. I received around forty applications, conducted around fifteen interviews and short-listed 6 candidates including Lauranne and Alexis (other alternating RSB than j Also took). This "commando" operation was carried out smoothly thanks to this collaboration with the Olivier team. "


  • What are the advantages of work-study?

Lauranne: "This work-study year gave me the opportunity to have a good academic and professional balance. The work-study rhythm was ideal for me because I juggled the follow-up of my courses and the Business missions Manager. It is a cadence which is trying but also enriching, I had the impression of cumulating the learning as a student and the experience as a professional. These two hats have become complementary.
My manager Morgan Martin was a real coach, mentor, advisor, teacher… and put his heart into training me and pulling me up. I especially thank him. I also thank RSB for giving me the keys to this success. "

Morgan: "The work-study program has several advantages: investing in young people who will develop the qualities and skills specifically required by our company and our profession, acquire talents at the source (when they are more difficult to capture later); in the Covid context, exceptionally, the state has put in place an incentive system which has supported our investment. "


  • What do you remember from these exchanges?

Lauranne: "Today I can only take away the positive from this work-study year. I felt listened to by my colleagues, I carried the success of my company, I followed really challenging projects ...
This story has a good end, with a permanent contract that I quickly signed to stay on the Listen Too team. "

Morgan: “Beyond her operational action, through her enthusiastic and bubbly personality, Lauranne also brought a lot to the general atmosphere of the Listen Too team at a time that was not obvious due to the COVID crisis. Lauranne embodied Corneille's formula: “to well-born souls, value does not wait for the number of years.” We must invest in young talents, help them understand the business world, empower them, give them the codes and we are always rewarded for this investment. "


  • What advice would you give to students who would like to take a work-study program?

Lauranne: "A work-study program is an asset in my opinion, it allows us to really project ourselves into a professional environment. It also gives us time to reflect and ask ourselves the right questions."

Morgan: "Advice, I give it regularly to the students who contact me. So much so that I ended up writing an operating procedure that explains my vision of things to help them frame their approach and be more organized and resilient. Contact me and I will forward this document to them."

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