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Support Rennes School of Business in its expansion

17 April 2024 School
Viewed 1037 times

In 2024, your school is pursuing its goals of excellence and its educational mission to meet the recruitment and skills needs of companies. Their commitment to us will help shape the "Unframed leaders" the world needs.

Starting in May, you can show your support for the school by recommending it to your company for the allocation of the balance of the 2024SOLTéA apprenticeship tax:

  • SIRET : 378 327 514 00014
  • UAI : 0352350R

Your company's support will enable us to focus our investments and efforts on three strategic areas:

Unframed Experience

Inventing an increasingly personalized learning experience by capitalizing on a strong use of technology and on-the-ground experience to create a positive impact.

Unframed Education

To offer a portfolio of innovative programs, based on our interdisciplinary research, academic knowledge and skills, in response to the needs of the job market.

Unframed Community

To multiply the impact of Rennes SB by creating an innovation ecosystem of our own, where our communities act in the service of each other.

If you have any questions, please contact Gaël HENRY

(+33 6 78 06 86 86)

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