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New statutes for the Alumni Association

22 January 2021 Network
Viewed 144 times

The statutes of the Alumni Association have been updated during the Extraordinary General Meeting on January 7th, 2021.


The statutes have been changed in order to:

  • be consistent with the naming and goals of the association
    • The Association, named « ESC Rennes Alumni » becomes « Rennes School of Business Alumni »
    • The School, named « Groupe ESC Rennes » becomes « Groupe Rennes School of Business »
    • The goals of the Association are more explicits and coherent with its ambitions
  • clarify the definition of our members
    • Member or Alumni: student or graduate of any program given by the School
    • Adherent: student or graduate, up-to-date with his / her subscription, giving him the quality of adherent to the Alumni network.
    • Lifelong member: graduate of the School, up-to-date with his subscription. He / She benefits from the services of the Association, has the right to vote during AGM and EGM, is eligible for the Committee.
  • be more responsive, by shortening the delay to change our statutes to 15 days instead of 45 days.

Enclosed : new statutes of the Association




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